Hi my name is Gita 

Born in the Kurdish part of Iran, in the city of Bukan, at the age of 2 I moved to Minsk, Belarus with my family. At the age of 8 I finally arrived in Berlin before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Growing up in a liberal household, I was brought up to be an independent and above all self-confident woman.

There has always been a great deal of interest in the beauty or the differentness of things for me. The eye for the specific and the particular in the trivial, an essential reason for me to approach art more and more over the years. As a young woman, I first worked as a successful make-up artist and already had my successes in the industry, including with my own make-up show.

But I wanted more. Not just making people feel more beautiful or feel better. At the beginning of my thirties the decision was made to turn my back on the often very superficial work in the beauty industry full-time. A rocky road and many hurdles, but I couldn't get away, dissuade this daily business as a make up artist to give my art more space and increasingly individualizing it.

Life as an artist at subsistence level has motivated me to continue working on myself and to strengthen my art.                                                                                                         Giving up is not an option.

My art is often understood as oriental or even religious, and I would like to distance myself from this. I do not accept any limitation on this point: I choose my colors and motives intuitively and do not follow specifications or guidelines. I use the colors I feel. Life, not just my own, is unpredictable and multifaceted. An aspect that I would like to reflect in my art.

My inspiration has always been my own emotions and experiences. Everyone sees something different in a picture. This is good and important because everyone brings a different emotion and a different point of view. A different story. Art is in the eye of the beholder. And I am happy when my art moves.

Geboren im kurdischen Teil des Irans, in der Stadt Bukan, mit 2 Jahren nach Minsk, Weissrussland, dann mit 8 Jahren schliesslich in Berlin vor dem Mauerfall angekommen. Aufgewachsen in einem liberalen Haushalt, wurde Gita zu einer selbstständigen und vor allem selbstbewussten Frau erzogen. Schon immer war das Interesse gross für die Schönheit oder auch Andersartigkeit von Dingen. Der Blick für das Bestimmte und das besondere im Trivialen, ein essentieller Grund für Gita, sich der Kunst über die Jahre immer mehr anzunähern. Die Farben, die sie fühlt, verwendet sie. Das Leben, nicht nur ihr eigenes, ist unvorhersehbar und facettenreich. Ein Aspekt, den Gita in ihrer Kunst widerspiegeln möchte. Ihre Inspiration waren immer ihre eigenen Emotionen und Erfahrungen. „Jeder sieht in einem Bild etwas anderes. Das ist gut und wichtig, weil jeder eine andere Emotion und einen anderen Standpunkt mitbringt. Kunst liegt im Auge des Betrachters. Und ich freue mich, wenn meine Kunst bewegt.“
